Joe Bain

Candidate for City Council


Lakeway is a robust community that started with the vision of the original developers.  They had an idea that has grown from a small village into a vibrant city.  It is my opinion that we need to look to the original ideas to continue to give our residents the quality of life they moved to Lakeway to enjoy.

    With careful attention to expenses and revenues, we can continue to keep our community government well funded while keeping city tax rates low.  Focus on city service priorities such as police and ordinance enforcement needs to be continued.

    Development is an important part of any city and Lakeway is no exception.  Controlled growth is the key to keeping our community healthy and provide the quality of life that families and individuals have come to expect.

    Our exceptional volunteer force is one of the most valuable assets our city enjoys.  We should continue to embrace and support our volunteers and insure that support is available for generations to come.

    As a long time resident and volunteer, I would appreciate your vote in the upcoming election.  I will strive to keep our city a wonderful place to enjoy our lives and raise our families.  I promise to stay involved and work to address ALL city issues!

    Joe D. Bain, Jr.

    Candidate for City Council






Letters of Support

  City of Lakeway